Bryant McKinnie Kicked Off Pro Bowl Team *Update!*


Excuse me while I get indignant. What was McKinnie thinking!? He let down all his Pro Bowl teammates! Making the Pro Bowl is an honor and a privilege and he should be ashamed for the actions that lead to his dismissal.

Oh, boy. That last paragraph kills me. Who gives a shit? The Pro Bowl is such a joke that guys can’t even show up at practice and half-ass it in nice weather. This first year of doing it in the Super Bowl city during the off week has worked out really well so far. Let’s focus on the important things, like getting Sunday Ticket and NFL Network on Time Warner.

This picture of McKinnie with Angel Lola Luv (Who?) is from another party at Mansion in 2008. McKinnie obviously loves that place. I think the Dolphins should do everything in their power to sign him. Between a bar he loves to spend time at and the numerous boats that can be chartered for team-building activities, I think McKinnie in a Dolphins’ uniform is a match made in Heaven.

Drunken, practice-missing, Heaven.

[Star Tribune,]

Via Pro Football Talk – McKinnie tweeted that he was nursing injuries and that he “withdrew” from the Pro Bowl. Then Willis McGahee call him out. I honestly don’t know why I’m getting such a kick out of this story.

What are the odds that we have a Hangover situation develop tomorrow when three of Matt Schaub’s friends have hilarious misadventures trying to locate the first-time Pro Bowler and get him back to Miami from Daytona in time for kickoff?

Here are all the players who won’t be participating in the Pro Bowl for various reasons. 33 players! What a meaningful exhibition!
