Mike Tyson Really Liked To Party


Mike Tyson: This is how the day would start: I would go to a club, at say, 2 o’clock [a.m.]. Hang out there for what, two hours, and then I’d go to the after-hours [clubs], that start at 6 o’clock [a.m.]. So I’d stay there from 6 in the morning to 7:30 at night. I’d be sitting down and drinking and doing cocaine, talking to girls … doing anything. Everything. Then I make it home and I’m tripping out at home. I’m calling people, I’m tired, but I’ve got people coming in and we’re making plans to go out a few hours later. We’re getting high, staying up, [doing] cocaine. Somebody would be calling me: “Come hang out with me.” So we would go out and get high, till 11 o’clock [p.m.] or something, then go somewhere, to a bar or somewhere. We might go to a club, then get high all day long.

Oh, my stars. I had to go to the hospital just from reading that. And what was his home life like back then?

I’m very fortunate that I have my wife and my children. I don’t know how it happened, but, man, I’m living such a different life. Listen: If I allowed my will to run riot, this house would be full, you’d hear people screaming from sex upstairs. If I allowed my mind to run riot, that’s what this place would be like.

I have to say I’m interested in seeing what they kept in the publication. He obviously went through Hell (though, it sounds like he had some fun along the way) to come out alive on the other side. I wonder if he was a ghostwriter on The Hangover.

[SI, Photo via Getty]