The Roundup: Ilgauskas Says Goodbye, Stuart Appleby Shoots a 59, & the 105-year-old's Secret to Living
By Jason McIntyre

Lots of rumors about who may have contributed to Lorenzen Wright’s death. [WREG3]
There hadn’t been a 59 on the PGA Tour since 1999 – but now there have been two in 24 days, with Stuart Appleby shooting one yesterday. [ESPN]
Here’s a really terrific read about swimmer Amanda Beard suffering from “anger, depression and self-injury.” [NYT]
Al Jefferson on leaving Minnesota for Utah: “I go from being in a Toyota to a Bentley.” [Yahoo]
Of course people feel bad for Pitino, but didn’t he bring this upon himself by cheating on his wife? [Courier Journal]
Baseball in the Dominican Republic: “A dead cockroach the size of a catcher’s mitt rests on the side of the stairway.” [Time]
Ilgauskas does a good job of saying goodbye to Cleveland. [Plain Dealer]
Buzz Bissinger’s so angry on twitter that David Carr wrote about it. [NYT]
Bob Ryan was unhappy with the lack of buzz around the MLB trading deadline. [Globe]
Woman’s secret to living to 105: “Three cans of Miller High Life a day and a shot of good booze at 5 p.m.” The booze – Johnny Walker Blue. [Bergen Record]
Busy offseason for key Miami Dolphins players – Chad Henne got married, Brandon Marshall had a wedding bash where Boyz II Men performed, and Ronnie Brown got engaged. [Herald]
If you love stats, and have pondered a career meshing sports and stats, this link is for you. [Basketball Prospectus]
People have a ton of time on their hands. And some of those people are funny.
DeMarcus Cousins has a good sense of humor (3:22): “I wish I could just start going to classes again.” Really? “Nah.”
Kanye performing at Facebook? No idea.