Donald Sterling's "Plantation Mentality"


According to Baylor, the following happened following a interview with head coaching candidate Jim Brewer.

“And when he finished, Donald said something that was very shocking to me. He said, ‘Personally, I would like to have a white Southern coach coaching poor black players. And I was shocked. And he looked at me and said, ‘Do you think that’s a racist statement?’ I said, ‘Absolutely. That’s plantation mentality.”

During the contract negotiations with #1 pick Danny Manning.

Said Baylor, in the deposition: “Donald T. said, ‘Well that’s a lot of money for a poor black … ‘ — I think he said kid. For a poor black kid I think. For a poor black something, kid or boy or something. Poor black. Poor black.

“Danny was upset. So Danny just stormed out. He just stormed out of the place. Where he went, I don’t know. He never came back to the house.”

I’m surprised he didn’t draft a Korean guy first.

[LA Times via Sports Guy Twitter, Image via Getty]