Ray Lucas Headed To Rehab For Pain Killer Addiction, Considered Suicide


“My anxiety is off the charts,” says Lucas, an analyst for SNY, ESPN and the Rutgers Radio Network. “I’m scared and I’m nervous about this, but I need to do this to be a better dad to my kids and a better husband to my wife. If I can get her to smile like she used to, it will be worth it.”

Current players should take note.

Pain Alternatives, Solutions and Treatments, a New Jersey-based medical group that uses surgery, chiropractic care, counseling and other disciplines to treat chronic pain. PAST’s Retired Athletes Medical Resource Group, which has provided more than $2 million in pro bono surgeries and other medical services since it began offering care to NFL retirees in 2009.

This is what a potential lockout should be focused on. Especially with the impending 18-game season.