Strikeforce's Brett Rogers Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting His Wife


She was reportedly strangled, punched repeatedly in the head and face and lost a tooth in the struggle.

Brett Charles Rogers, 30, has been charged with assault in the third degree, domestic assault by strangulation and pattern of stalking conduct — all felonies –in Dakota County. He was also charged with endangerment of a child, a gross misdameanor.

His wife blacked out from being choked, suffered a golf ball sized wound on her face among smaller wounds. The couples daughter had tried to intervene after she saw Rogers strike her mother.

Rogers admits he had been drinking before an argument broke out with he and his wife. He claims she punched him and he returned force.

Rogers just fought two weeks ago in the Strikefoce Heavyweight Grand Prix.

[My Fox Twin Cities via Fightlinker]