Dan Shaughnessy Jinxed The Red Sox By Angering The Baseball Gods!


Last night during the Red Sox – Orioles rain delay, Boston Globe columnist Dan Shaughnessy went on NESN to talk about Boston’s then-current playoff chances. While Shaughnessy was interviewed, the Red Sox had a 3-2 lead and the Rays trailed the Yankees 7-0. Even in the worst possible scenario, the Red Sox would at least be playing on Thursday in a 1-game playoff. Or so he thought!

“I think the Rays are not going to win tonight. I think that the one thing that we’ve eliminated tonight is that the Red Sox season is not going to end tonight. They live to play another day.”

“The worst thing that could happen is you have to play that game in Tampa tomorrow. You’ve got to hold onto this 3-2 lead tonight, but the Rays aren’t going to come back from 7-nothing with an inning and a half to go.”

/runs around with sparklers

Of course, the Sox then blew their lead and the Rays made a ridiculous comeback. Shaughnessy then selfishly blamed the Red Sox and the gods of baseball and karma in his season-ending obituary column. From The Boston Globe:

Truly unbelievable. This feels like revenge for 2004 and 2007. It is as if the baseball gods are punishing Red Sox Nation for hubris and arrogance and good times that seemed so good, so good, so good.

Damn you gods! Why? Why!? Why must you punish the good people of Boston! We have suffered so much! It’s not fair!

[Original video via Chief, Updated video via FanPhooey]