Curt Schilling Thinks Things Are "Going Bad" With Bobby Valentine and the Red Sox


"“I thought that the manager that managed the Mets that I was not a big fan of was now going to be a different manager, and I don’t think there’s anything different at all. And I don’t think that that is going to be conducive to doing well here. There’s a lot of things I think that are happening not just from his perspective, but when you talk to these guys — and I’m still talking to some of these guys — I don’t think this is going well. And I think it’s going bad quicker than I expected it to.”"

Schilling was also dismissive of the notion that Bobby Valentine would give Red Sox players the shakeup they needed.

"“That’s not a good thing. That’s not a good thing,” he stressed. “Because the game is hard enough to play as it is and challenging enough to play as it is. And every player has their self-doubt within their makeup. The last thing you want to be a wild card in this whole mix is the manager. That’s your stability.”"

Though it has yet to hit Boston, this Red Sox season already has a Hindenberg feel. Expect the media to grant Bobby V a honeymoon, since he’s a quote machine, relishes stirring newspaper publishable shit and worked at ESPN last season. Expect that to end abruptly when he falls five games back in April/May.

[Photo via Presswire]