Mad Men: Characters Read "The Tea Leaves" and Confront the "Dawn" of a New Era


Don, in early seasons an unconcerned flaneur with the “counterculture,” becomes a father figure. In the Rolling Stones concert scene, we see him still understand youth and, in pure ad genius form, pierce straight to its insecure core. This time, though, there is a palpable disconnect. Don can grasp it, but no longer embody it.

Roger simultaneously faces his own demise and the true demise of his world. Even when his “old world” social guile is useful to bring back Mohawk Airlines, he is a relic, no longer valued. Pete has replaced Roger and, perhaps more importantly to Roger, Pete has outfoxed him.

Peggy is trapped between eras. She’s weighed down by the more oppressive past, but also a product of it. With professional stability, she has lost the energy to fight when confronted with hiring a male copywriter for a certain type of client. She feels herself to be young, hip and enlightened, yet she meets Michael Ginsburg who projects a younger, hipper vibe she can’t fully identify with.

Joan is absent as are Pete’s domestic tension and, perhaps mercifully, Lane’s creepy pathology with the Delores picture.

Closing with “Sixteen going on Seventeen” from The Sound of Music was pitch-perfect, lyrically and culturally. It was a contemporary film, debuting in 1965. The song addresses the concurrent change but in a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical language that would resonate with the older generation. It almost makes up for Roger’s obvious “When are things going to get back to normal?” bookend. Almost.

Previously: Mad Men Premiere: A Little Kiss and a Mountain of Internal Unrest