Newspaper Reporter Ranked Below Maid and Dishwasher By Career Website

facebooktwitter listed its Top 200 jobs of 2012. They don’t view print journalism as a growth industry. Newspaper reporter rated 196th out of 200, below maid, dishwasher and meter reader. Though, the news isn’t all bad. Reporter still comes in ahead, slightly, of working on an oil rig or being an enlisted military soldier.

Here is the site’s description of jobs 181-200

"As we get to the bottom of our rankings, these professions all have a varied mixture of physical labor, declining job opportunities, lower incomes, poor working conditions and high stress. While not all of them have the physical demands of a firefighter, cushy would not be a word to describe any of these positions. For most of the jobs in this group, the salaries are very low with an even worse hiring outlook. Opportunity to grow in these jobs is minimal."

Sounds about right.