Wally Backman's Inspiring Speech to His Team Included a Sea of Expletives


It’s certainly not easy to become a world champion, and South Georgia Peanuts manager Wally Backman will remind us as much, but I imagine it’s even more difficult for him to go 11 seconds without saying “fucking.”

Here’s the money line. Or at least my favorite, as there are several gems stuffed into this rant:

“It looks like you’re a bunch of cunts out there the way you’re throwing.”

So poignant, though it’s kind of challenging to take Wally seriously when the front of his jersey says “Peanuts.” Nonetheless, the man is a touching gift to the English language, I’m just thankful he’s so forthcoming with his thoughts. Now watch the fucking video.

[via Bob’s Blitz]

Previously: Wally Backman Appears to Have a Passion For Baseball