Richard Branson Wants to Take a Naked Canadian Politician Kitesurfing


It appears Clark left a real impression on the founder of Virgin Group when he visited the province last week to announce a new airline service from Vancouver. Branson, who is a master of publicity, wrote on his blog that he asked the “delightful” Clark to kitesurf while riding on his back.

A statement from the premier’s office only says Branson “is well known for his brashness and ability to manipulate media coverage for his company.”

Not that he’ll be naked. He’s just the kind of guy who has so much money when he does something as stupid as kitesurfing, he makes sure there’s a naked woman strapped to his back. You can see the full NSFW-ish image here. It’s mostly sideboob and sidebutt, however I know some of you have real jobs. Suckers. If you were smart you’d be out kitesurfing with naked ladies, not looking at pictures of some British dude doing it.
