Curlers are the Biggest Olympic Party Animals


“If I were to reincarnate myself, I’d come back and do curling,” says [Todd]  Lodwick. “What other sport can you not be in shape for, and still be considered at top athlete?”

While curlers are held in the lowest esteem athletically, they are considered gold medalists when it comes to partying.

After the female Olympian finished competing at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, she checked out of the Village and went to stay with the curlers, who were off-site at a hotel in Whistler.

“That was a party house,” she says. “Curlers are known for drinking. The sport doesn’t require that much.”

Unfortunately, curlers will not be attending the London Olympics. In addition to their sport not being featured at the Summer Games, they choose to spend this season in Daytona Beach anyway.