Jason Collins Dated Carolyn Moos For Seven Years, Broke Off Their Engagement, But He Only Told Her Days Ago That He Was Gay
By Jason McIntyre
"At the time of their breakup, Carolyn says Jason gave a bunch of BS reasons for calling it quits … and she could never understand what went wrong, until now. “It’s very emotional for me as a woman to have invested 8 years in my dream to have a husband, soul mate, and best friend in him. So this is all hard to understand.” She adds, “I care about [Jason] tremendously and only want the best for him. I want Jason to be happy for a lifetime and stay true to who he really is, inside and out.”"
Moos played basketball at Stanford with Collins and then spent three years in the WNBA. At 6-foot-6, she’s one of the tallest players in the history of women’s basketball at Stanford.
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