Chuck Bednarik's Fingers Now Look Like Gnarled Tree Limbs
By Jason Lisk

These are Chuck Bednarik’s hands. Bednarik is now 88 years old and was the quintessential tough guy football player. In the 1960 NFL Championship, a 35 year old Bednarik played both ways at center and linebacker, and made one of the most famous plays in NFL Championship history when he stuffed Jim Taylor on a final attempt for the Packers at the 9 yard line. (I discussed it with Packers Hall of Famer Willie Davis here).
According to legend, Bednarik sat on Taylor as the final seconds ticked off once he made the tackle, then said “You can get up now, Taylor, this fuckin’ game’s over.” Here’s footage of that final play (without the audio from Bednarik). How long ago was this? Well, the last time the Eagles won a championship, Bednarik had actual fingers rather than twisted roots.
[h/t: @bobbybigwheel, reddit]