Chad Gaudin Charged With Gross Lewdness, Which is One Way to Describe Hitting on Woman in an Emergency Room Gurney


Chad Gaudin, pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, was charged with open and gross lewdness, arising out of an incident in Las Vegas on January 27th. The details, well, they are a doozy. Almost as amazing as Gaudin’s mugshot. From the Las Vegas Review Journal:

"According to police, Gaudin was drunk about 4:30 a.m. when he approached a 23-year-old woman on a gurney at Desert Springs Hospital, three miles east of the Las Vegas Strip. The woman told police she was lying on a gurney in the emergency room lobby when Gaudin appeared, told her “she was gorgeous” and touched her face and breast, she said. A witness heard Gaudin say, “I will take care of you, don’t worry about them,” to the woman and then saw him touch her face, leg and breast, according to a police report."

He should have opened with “come here often?”