Mets Somehow Managed To Botch Native American Heritage Day
By Ty Duffy

The Mets’ impressive run of 2013 ineptitude continues. The organization teamed up with the non-profit group American Indian Community House to schedule Native American Heritage Day for July 25. The problem? The Mets are scheduled to play the Atlanta Braves on July 25. They became so worried about being perceived as tweaking the Braves they gutted the festivities until AICH pulled out altogether.
" “Being a nonprofit in the city, we’re not in the business of making enemies,” said Kevin Tarrant, the deputy director of the A.I.C.H., which describes itself as an organization that aims to “cultivate awareness, understanding and respect” for thousands of American Indians who live in New York City. “This whole thing wasn’t even our idea. But it just feels like we’re being marginalized again within our own community.” "
Classic Mets.
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