Andrew Whitworth's Stiff Arm Destruction of Jim Leonhard Must Be Celebrated
By Jason Lisk

You want an offensive lineman post. You need an offensive lineman post.
Here is your offensive lineman post. We were prepared to put this up yesterday, then Giovani Bernard did his own thing in scoring a touchdown a few plays later, and we were in dangerously close territory to violating some sort of quota on posts involving Cincinnati and Buffalo in a short period of time.
This is Andrew Whitworth, left tackle for the Bengals, blocking for A.J. Green on this huge wide receiver screen play. There is so much awesomeness about this play that it deserves to be celebrated. Whitworth is running at a full sprint, and does not even need to block Jim Leonhard. He just gives him a one-armed shove while running by and moving on to the next defender, and Leonhard goes down in a heap.
Whitworth, meanwhile, is still sprinting 35 yards later.