A-Rod Supporters Aren't the Biggest Fans of Bud Selig


ESPN New York’s Mike Mazzeo snapped this photo of Alex Rodriguez supporters outside MLB’s New York City headquarters during his on-going grievance hearing on Friday. Surprisingly, said supporters don’t appear to be the biggest Bud Selig fans in the world. One signs suggest the commissioner title his memoir, “Child Killer, Collusion, Drug Pusher, More.”

Really? Child Killer? I’ll go out on a limb and suggestion that might be just a tad too harsh.

I could maybe see that kind of strong language for Selig rubber-stamping interleague play (and manager’s challenges for the 2014 season), but for a potential 213-game ban for A-Rod by bending the rules to ingest PEDs? Selig is hardly (baseball) history’s greatest monster.

Related: A-Rod Enjoys His Hookers Two at a Time, According to New Book