Caller Suggests Tom Coughlin Could Coach Jaguars to Playoffs, Mike Francesa Reacts Accordingly


Why do we spend so much time posting about Mike Francesa? It’s easy — callers like Jimmy in Rockaway Beach.

This particular caller made a humble suggestion: the Giants should “release” Tom Coughlin so he can coach the Jacksonville Jaguars into the playoffs on the basis “Chad Henne looked good last week.”

Let that settle in. Whether a prank or not that’s some seriously insane thinking.

As you’d guess Mike reacts accordingly and wonders why, on a nice day, someone would take their time to make the call. When the caller says he’s a student Mike asks if he has a book near him saying, “Do me favor, read it.”

Classic Francesa.

Either you get it or you don’t. It’s five plus hours of free entertainment and this week it’s been nonstop laughs thanks to the callers.

Related: Mike Francesa Has Not Been Waiting All Day For Sunday Night, NBC.
Related: Mike Francesa Schools “Idiot” Caller Who Doesn’t Think Redskins’ Nickname is Offensive