UMass Has Mini-Riot on Campus After Red Sox Win the World Series


UMass did a dumb thing. The school projected the World Series onto a giant screen in the middle of campus and got some bouncy apparatuses and invited the entire school to come watch the Red Sox play Game 6 of the World Series against St. Louis. What did they expect to happen? Thousands of college kids to act like reasonable adults and quietly disperse the night before Halloween?

Devil’s Night. Mischief Night. Whatever you and your friends called it when you were teenagers walking around town with eggs and toilet paper. This was the night that UMass chose to gather all of the college kids in one spot to watch their team maybe win a World Series. The fact that the entire school was not burnt to the ground is almost surprising. (The “fuck that tree” chant was a nice touch.) From MassLive:

"Trash cans were overturned, cups and bottles were thrown, and the large TV screen was apparently damaged when one or more objects were thrown at it. Some hurled rolls of toilet paper and various projectiles, while others climbed trees in the concourse. “Get out of the trees,” police officers could be heard ordering the students, some of whom verbally challenged the officers. An acoustical device mounted to a police van emitted a loud, high-pitched noise that helped disperse the students, some of whom retreated indoors to escape the deafening sound."

At least 10 arrests were made and UMass should consider itself lucky that its student body is so nonthreatening.