Baron Davis Hangs Out with Steve Nash, Is Attempting a Comeback of Some Kind
By Mike Cardillo

Baron Davis is 34 and last played in the NBA back in 2012. If this short piece that ran on TNT’s pregame show Thursday night is to be believed, Davis wants back in the NBA and he’s enlisted the help of Steve Nash to help him get back in shape.
Maybe this is all some sort of stunt, but it’s funny enough nonetheless. Bear in mind over the summer Davis said he was abducted by aliens and dropped off at In-N-Out Burger, so anything he says is possible. He does look sharp rocking a beard and Arsenal jacket.
This line from Davis slayed me: “I don’t think that I’m Charles Barkley fat, I’m more like Shaq fat. Like a dominant fat.”
If nothing else, a Davis/Nash buddy cop comedy about crime-solving point guards would be gold. Hell, let’s go ahead and cast them for the second season of True Detective.
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RELATED: Baron Davis Says Was Abducted By Aliens, Then Went to In-N-Out Burger