Mark Cuban Expands Further On the NFL Imploding in 10 Years, Spirited Comments Follow
By Tim Ryan
Mark Cuban has taken to Facebook to expand on his controversial comments that the NFL will implode in 10 years. The initial reasoning behind his statement centered around pigs getting fat, hogs getting slaughtered, and NFL owners getting hoggy. While that was no way to speak of ravishing Raiders owner Mark Davis, I certainly understood the sentiment.
But before we get into it, let’s first celebrate the beauty of this comment, which kind of says it all about Mark Cuban:
“You’re the asshole the world may not want, but definitely needs.”
If Cuban’s tombstone doesn’t read “The Asshole The World Didn’t Want, But Definitely Needed,” we should all be sorely disappointed.
Anyway, the Mavs owner goes into your usual NFL talking points of player safety concern and player behavior — which is just a tad ridiculous coming from an NBA owner. It’s akin to a jackass with an awful spoiler on his car openly mocking someone with an equally stupid spoiler.
He also gets into the NFL’s broadcasting strategy — which he almost has to bash in some capacity considering the few months of crossover between leagues — essentially making the point that too much of anything isn’t a good thing, and that TV will inevitably change.
We’ve already seen TV change pretty drastically over the last handful of years. What the WWE just did in unveiling its new network was certainly eye-opening enough for the major sports leagues to begin rethinking and expanding their approach.
The whole thing is certainly worth the read, as it usually is with Cuban, and so is his willingness to interact with his “friends.”
Bonus points for use of insincere exclamation points.
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[via Facebook]