Donald Trump Floats Possibility Of Becoming Next Buffalo Bills Owner
By Ty Duffy

Donald Trump may be your next owner of the Buffalo Bills, according to Donald Trump. The Donald told WBEN Radio in Buffalo he has been approached by a group looking to buy the team, after owner Ralph Wilson passed away. Trump a “very good friend” of Bills legend Jim Kelly would keep the team in Buffalo.
"“I know so many people in Buffalo and they have asked me about look at that and I certainly would look at it but I would … if it were me I’d keep the team in Buffalo,” he said. “I think it’s something that is really vital to the area. … It would be catastrophic, in my opinion, if Buffalo lost the Buffalo Bills.”"
Trump’s last foray into football ownership did not go well. He bought the USFL’s New Jersey Generals in 1983 and proved instrumental in the league’s move to fall and antitrust suit against the NFL that ultimately led to the league’s demise. It’s not clear whether time will have healed that particular wound.
Trump is well known for saying inane things to get attention. So, obviously, take anything he says with a dump truck full of salt.
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[USA Today Sports]