Nik Stauskas vs Stephen Curry Shooting Contest Nixed by NCAA Because the NCAA Sucks
By Jason McIntyre

But the NCAA nixed it because the NCAA is the worst.
"“His people set a date for mid-July that they wanted to do it and of course I checked with Tom Wywrot our (Michigan) media guy and of course there was some NCAA violations and all of that stuff, so we couldn’t do it. Me and Steph, in the backyard.”"
So a college basketball player can’t have a shooting contest with an NBA player in his own backyard? That’s a violation … how? Why? We should really stop asking these questions, because the NCAA’s capricious decisions rarely make sense.
Stauskas will be a 1st round pick in next month’s NBA draft – mid-lottery? – so fortunately basketball fans will be able to see him and Curry go at it from deep on the court in an actual game. [via Free Press]
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