Donald Sterling Allowing Shelly Sterling to Sell Clippers. But Will She Go Quietly?
By Jason McIntyre

What’s this? A white flag from Donald Sterling? Seems so.
Donald Sterling has surrendered control of the Los Angeles Clippers to his wife Shelly Sterling, and given her permission to go forward with the sale of the team. This feels like one of those, ‘too good to be true’ stories. Last week he wasn’t going down without a fight, he wasn’t paying the fine, lawyers were talking about deposing other NBA owners in the fight … and now he’s suddenly conceding?
Did Sterling hatch this idea after talking to lawyers who might have told him, “you’ve got no chance to keep the team, but your wife might have a leg to stand on in court.”
Or is this just an octogenarian who is ready sell the team for $2 billion-ish and move on?
Over the last few weeks the Sterlings never struck me as the type to go quietly, so forgive my skepticism on this one.
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