LeBron Deems One-Dollar Bills Too Small to Bother With


The New Yorker recently did a Talk of the Town piece on Idan Ravin, a personal trainer known in NBA circles as the Hoops Whisperer. Ravin has been written about plenty, but I found this exchange between Ravis and Skylar Diggins somewhat interesting:

"After Diggins arrived, Ravin bought a Gatorade from a vending machine and left a quarter in the change slot—a practice that, he says, he got from LeBron James, who deems one-dollar bills too small to bother with. “Shit, I’d take a dollar,” Diggins, who last year made less than James does in a single game, said. “Those guys are just on a different planet,” Ravin said. “That’s why some of them go broke,” Diggins added."

Diggins is correct, of course, even though LeBron is earning well over $50 million a year between his salary and endorsements (and excluding pesky things such as investments and real estate holdings).

Her statement probably rings true for the Nick Youngs and Robert Swifts of the NBA.

Hoops Whisperer [The New Yorker]