Wake Forest Needs To Educate Its Students About Blackface


ESPN cameras found some Wake Forest fans channeling Al Jolson on a cold night. Painting one’s face black is an ugly reference, whether it is a minstrel show, overt imitation or the mere conflation of “black skin” and “menacing” which has been pervasive and destructive for more than half a millennium in Western Culture.

Foregoing black face paint does not abrogate a fundamental right in the name of political correctness. It is a trifling nod to common decency.

Banning all face paint may be extreme. It is possible to handle a blackout responsibly. The best option may be to (a) not have blackouts or (b) if your primary school color is black, make sure it is limited to wearing black.

RELATED: Canadian Hockey Fan Dresses as Black Player in Blackface