Joe Flacco Makes a Mockery of the Pro Bowl, Refuses to Play Because Wife Having a Baby Soon
By Jason Lisk

Joe Flacco is what’s wrong with America, folks. Get this–with an opportunity to play in the biggest football game of the year, he’s choosing not to go. Why?
Because of an injury? No, because his wife is having a baby later this month. Like, not even due in two days, but later this month. There are still eleven days to go.
So yes, catch up on three seasons of “Downton Abbey”, Joe, rather than proving how elite you are. What kind of wussy society are we passing down to our grandkids? Have we become Sweden?
Do you think Boomer Esiason ever missed out on a Pro Bowl for the birth of a child? No chance. In fact, he probably made his wife specifically schedule the C-Section for after the Pro Bowl to make sure it wouldn’t interfere. Do you think guys like Roger Staubach, Fran Tarkenton, and Terry Bradshaw would turn down an invite so that the game was tainted by having to go deep into the QB well? Things just aren’t what they used to be when it comes to the Pro Bowl.
What does this say to the young offensive linemen who set a goal of someday playing in the Pro Bowl, so they too can run double reverse, double laterals and then tweet about it from the sideline while the defense plays patty cake? That they shouldn’t have dreams? Allowing Flacco to do this sets a bad precedent.
You know how many Pro Bowls Joe Flacco has been selected for? None. This would have been his first. Meanwhile, it’s his third child. He’s probably good for a couple of more, and trust me on this, he’ll be calling the third child by the fifth child’s name in a few years, and won’t remember which one was born in late January. On the other hand, he could have gone to Glendale and made a memory forever. You never forget your first. Also, he and his wife would have had something to discuss for the rest of their lives, probably every day they were together. He would never forget being selected on Team Cris Carter.
Eric Decker missing OTA’s to attend some mamby-pamby awards show is one thing; missing out on an actual game that will be watched by more people than watch any baseball game all year is another.
Football is all about T-E-A-M. In a couple of years, how do you think the members of Team Qadry Ismail are going to react as they are slipping on their pastel chevron uniforms and staring across the locker room at Flacco? Do you think they are going to want to pretend to block occasionally for a guy who disrespects this game? I don’t either.
But the biggest issue is what a mockery this makes of an important game. Flacco’s spot will instead go to Andy Dalton. Andy Dalton, in a primetime game–yeah, that’s must-see TV. Thanks a lot, Joe.