A-Rod Got Hitting Tips From Barry Bonds


Alex Rodriguez is 39 years old. He’s attempting to play baseball again for the Yankees in 2015 after missing an entire year due to his Biogenesis-related suspension. Part of A-Rod’s plan to get back into shape involved working out with Barry Bonds at a San Francisco-area baseball facility owned by the former Giant’s Arizona State teammate via a report in The San Francisco Chronicle.

Is this significant news? Why wouldn’t Rodriguez want to get tips from baseball’s all-time home run leader, who also happened to play until he was 42.

Oh right, the whole PED thing. Yeah, I temporarily convinced myself to forget about that most tired of all baseball topics.

And, yes, a headline “Barry Bonds works out with Kevin Fransden” as The Chronicle notes, probably wouldn’t prompt many Internet clicks. Nor does it matter much that Bonds worked with the Giants in Spring Training last year, helping Mike Morse among others with his approach at the plate. (On the flip side of the sarcasm scale: leave it to A-Rod to continually find ways to make dumb headlines, right?)

But what about the kids? Aren’t kids the reason people tend to get so hot-and-bothered that adult, professional athletes willingly chose to ingest a substance that may or may not help their performance? From The Chronicle:

"The kids looked, listened and admired the all-time home run leader working with the one-time heir apparent, proprietors of a combined 1,416 homers talking ball."

Hopefully Bonds recorded the sessions with his Google Glass.

RELATED: Barry Bonds Looks Like a Dork Wearing Google Glass
RELATED: Barry Bonds Arrives at Giants Spring Training, Is Über Skinny Now

[photo via Getty]