Two Irish Dudes Successfully Sneaked Into the Super Bowl, Sat in Fourth Row Seats


If you’re going to fly all the way from Ireland to Arizona with hopes of attending the Super Bowl, sans tickets, you’re already fairly bold in the first place, but how’s this for a brazen maneuver? A pair of Irish Seahawks fans, Paul McEvoy and Richard Whelan, arrived in Arizona last week without tickets to the game. Since prices remained exceedingly high on Sunday, the pair hatched a plan to sneak into the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale.

Amazingly, their low-fi idea worked. Via the Independent it basically reads as if the duo strolled in through the front door.

Once inside the pair walked around during the first half but eventually wound up in fourth-row seats worth $25,000, sitting behind former Patriot safety Lawyer Milloy.

Knowing how the NFL works, the pair should expect a letter and a fine from Roger Goodell posthaste. The NFL is not in the business of leaving any money on the table in any circumstance.