Kate Upton And Justin Verlander Have Memorized Step Brothers
By Ty Duffy

Justin Verlander is on the disabled list. Apparently, he and notable girlfriend Kate Upton have been using the downtime to dive into the Will Ferrell oeuvre. Here they are recounting an interview scene from “Step Brothers.”*
Jim Harbaugh is also a fan.
Watching 1 of the classics! "Step Brothers", reminds me that @umich is "Prestige WorldWIDE" (((Wide))) ((wide)) pic.twitter.com/UGLOZArFEg
— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) March 29, 2015
Related: Kate Upton Aware It’s Almost Easter
*N.B. I have never seen “Step Brothers.” That audible sigh in the background is Stephen Douglas lamenting that fact.