Louisiana College Kids Pulled Over While Transporting Over 100 Natty Light 18-Packs to Spring Break in Alabama

Four college students from Louisiana were on their way to Spring Break in Gulf Shores, Alabama on Monday. The kids were driving a truck, pulling a trailer with expired tags when they were pulled over by the Mobile County Sheriff’s Office on I-10. When police searched the trailer, they found a Spring Break Warchest Partychest. 100 18-packs of Natty Light, a couple 12-packs of Corona, a few bottles of Jack, a couple bottles of vodka, and what appears to be a single boxed wine. No word on whether the kids were planning to drink or sell the booze, but considering they were headed to Spring Break in Alabama, I’d say it’s 50/50 either way. [WKRG, h/t @MiggieSmalls]