Russell Westbrook Gave His All Star MVP Car to a Single Mother
By Mike Cardillo
Russell Westbrook took home NBA All Star Game MVP honors earlier this year and won a free Kia. Instead of letting the car rot away in his garage, Westbrook donated it to 19-year-old single mother of two, Kerstin Gonzales. Maybe the most-thoughtful part of the gesture is that Westbrook also paid for the insurance and registration, which is a nice little detail to include.
From the Thunder website:
"“Are they playing a prank on me or something?” Gonzalez said of her initial reaction. “When he showed me the keys, I was like ‘this is real’. That’s when I started to cry because it’s been such a hard time.”"
Yes, this is the Internet and the first reaction is always exclusively negative or cynical, but this is a very nice gesture by Westbook.