Remembering David Letterman: The Taco Bell Drive Thru Sketch


David Letterman retires from the late night television later this month. In turn we’re in the midst of countless retrospectives and remembrances. I can’t claim to be someone who stayed up late watching Letterman during his heyday in the 1980s, when his show was jarringly different than what Johnny Carson and others were doing at the time. But, given the choice, once I got old enough to watch television at 11:30 p.m., Letterman always won out to Jay Leno. Always.

Comedy is always better when it’s laughing with someone vs. laughing at someone.

Sure, Letterman was and is a supreme wise-ass, but rarely did his comedy feel all that mean-spirited. Instead there was a winking nod — or specifically a high-pitcher chuckle — letting everyone in on the joke. Letterman maintained enough perspective to realize he was doing a late night talk show, not trying to save the world.

Anyways, my favorite clip is this one from circa 1993 or so when Letterman worked at a Taco Bell drive-thru, winding up customers in the process. “She’s gone already chief,” is comedy gold, pure and simple.

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