Johnny Manziel Finally Proves He's Serious About Football By Moving to a Golf Course


Johnny Manziel is the most newsworthy football player in the NFL. Fresh out of rehab, Manziel has moved from Metropolitan at The 9 in downtown Cleveland to a golf course in the suburbs. That noise you hear is a sigh of relief from the media and the Cleveland Browns. Via

"Browns safety Donte Whitner said on a radio show last week that Manziel had abandoned his downtown digs, a sign that he’s serious about staying on the straight and narrow."

According to an ESPN report, “Golf has been a constructive outlet for Manziel since his return.” This should stand as proof that all employers should encourage employees to golf more often. What’s really important is that he got out of that fancy hotel where he was sleeping that one time.

"The 9 was also where Browns security personnel found Manziel oversleeping for his treatment the day before the season finale in Baltimore"

I just hope his new place doesn’t have a bed. He needs to leave all those bad habits behind.