Adam Carolla Says Bill Simmons Will Talk a Bunch of [Poop] When His ESPN Contract Ends

On his podcast today, Adam Carolla began by discussing his recent dinner with Bill Simmons, Cousin Sal, Jimmy Kimmel, their agent James “Babydoll” Dixon — who also reps Jon Stewart — and Daniel from the Man Show. Whenever this group goes out with Dixon, it becomes a big game to see how high they can run up the tab for him (I’ve heard Cousin Sal talk about this a couple times before).
On this occasion, Carolla said they were ordering $200+ bottles of pink champagne for strangers at neighboring tables, in addition to who-knows-what they were consuming themselves. Apparently another aspect of the competition is to estimate what the final bill will be. Carolla said Simmons came the closest, calibrating his guess within $4 of the final $2,083 tab.
As an aside in that anecdote, Carolla said: “By the way, he says whenever his contract is up with ESPN, he’s gonna come on this show and talk a bunch of shit — so I think in September we can look forward to that.”
Those with a vested interest in TBL’s traffic meter really wish that Simmons’ contract was set to expire in August when there’s no football — or much of anything else — to pad our stats.
UPDATE: Carolla clarified these remarks.
Related: Why Was the New York Times the Bearer of Bad News on Bill Simmons and Jason Whitlock?
Related: Bill Simmons Was the Subject of a Graduate Business School Case Study at Northwestern
[H/T Cartmaniak]