Stop Reacting Strongly To Pea Guacamole, You Sheep


The New York Times published a recipe for guacamole with peas. A few Twitter residents responded extremely, priming their followers who reacted extremely. It snowballed. Media outlets swooped into the fray. Pea guacamole has become a full blown thing. Even the POTUS took notice.

This controversy, or whatever you wish to term it, is asinine.

The recipe is avocado guacamole with added pea puree. The author acknowledges this is a “radical” idea. Peas don’t alter the texture. Peas don’t alter the taste much, except perhaps making it sweeter. Most of the taste is coming from the other additions.

Peas make the guacamole greener and should presumably keep it greener longer. They are healthy and nutrient dense. Cultivating them is better for the environment. Spoiler: continuing droughts in California will affect avocado prices moving forward. Mixing in peas may make guacamole significantly cheaper and save it altogether.

Food that is healthier, better looking, more environmentally sustainable and possibly cheaper? What an OUTRAGE.

But, the truth is, we don’t need to make that argument to you. None of you have actually had time to make this and taste it. You’re just reacting strongly to nonsense on the Internet, like a bunch of idiots. Be cognizant, while you still can be.