Tom Brady and Famous People Always Destroy Their Cell Phones, Right?
By Jason McIntyre

Tom Brady got a 4-game suspension from the NFL for his perceived role inDeflateGate, even though the NFL doesn’t really have concrete evidence on what Brady did. That’s because Brady smashed his cell phone in March, and didn’t tell the NFL until four months later.
Amazingly, Brady’s reasoning as to why he smashed his cell phone? He always smashes his cell phones. While it sounds crazy on the surface, is it?
[RELATED: Stephen A. Smith: “Tom Brady Destroyed His Cell Phone”]
He’s rich. He’s famous. He’s got a famous, wealthy wife. Is it a normal practice for athletes and celebrities to smash their old cell phones? Hacking is sophisticated; could a phoned that’s wiped clean still be hacked into? Isn’t it safer to just smash the phone and move on?
I can’t wait for Tom Brady’s court case. Roger Goodell was judge and jury here. Good luck with that in court. I hope Brady doesn’t miss a game, and as a Jets fan, I loathe the Patriots.
Related: Tom Brady’s Powerful Lawyer Might Get His Suspension Completely Lifted
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