James Harrison Doesn't Want Participation Trophies for His Kids
By Jason Lisk

James Harrison is taking a strong stance on what he called “participation trophies.” This will, know doubt, lead to much kudos. Who is for participation trophies? It leads to the wussification of America, amirite?
What we don’t know here is the ages of his children. If they are entering their teen years, then yeah. Of course, my son who plays competitive baseball tournaments hasn’t gotten a participation trophy since 2nd grade, and all the trophies were from reaching a final or winning. Now, younger kids? Nothing wrong with participation trophies. James Harrison may not agree with it, but we don’t even keep official score or standings in 1st grade soccer. Some kids like to keep track in their heads, and that’s okay too, but nothing wrong with not gunning for the title with 7-year-olds who care more about juice boxes, and focusing on skill development at the expense of using strategies to show how brilliant a coach you are.