Roger Goodell Approved, Laughed at Roger Staubach's Concussion Joke
By Kyle Koster

Hall of Fame quarterback Roger Staubach made a concussion-related joke this week during his speech at the National Football Foundation awards banquet.
“I had a chance to sit next to the commissioner of football, Pete Rozelle, tonight,” Staubach said before a someone came up to the stage to correct him. “Oh, excuse me, Roger Goodell,” he continued. “I apologize. I had six concussions in the NFL.”
Goodell, the current NFL commissioner overseeing a tumultuous era of concussion-dominated conversation, was shown laughing at the one-liner.
Lest you’re thinking he was just being polite in the typical award-show phony way, the former Cowboys star suggested Goodell has pre-approved the questionable crack.
“I told Roger I was going to tell that corny joke and he approved it,” Staubach said after a mixed reaction of laughter and groans.
If so, that’s an interesting choice from the commissioner considering the current climate.