Domata Peko, Wearing a Cape, Came Off the Bengals Sideline to Shove William Gay
By Jason McIntyre

Among the 89 unbelievable things that happened during Saturday night’s Bengals-Steelers game, please do not let this go unnoticed:
Domata Peko, seen here wearing a jacket/cape, came off the Cincinnati sideline to shove William Gay of the Steelers in the back. Did Peko thing nobody would see this?
A referee was standing right next to him.
After Peko shoves Gay, three Bengals turn to look at him, and they almost seem bewildered that a large man in a cape is 8-yards off the sideline shoving someone … while Ben Roethlisberger is trying to run a 2-minute drill.
If you watch the Bengals players, it looks like two of them are yelling at home to get the hell off the field.
What an instant classic.