Sixers Fans Trust the Process With Clever Chants as Philly Locks Up 3rd Straight 50-Loss Season

" An-al-y-tics ?? ??… ?????? An-al-y-tics ?? ??… ?????? An-al-y-tics ?? ??… ?????? — max (@MaxRappaport) February 27, 2016"
The Philadelphia 76ers lost their 50th game of the season on Friday. With a 9-point loss to the Wizards, the Sixers ensured they would finish with 50 or more losses for the third consecutive season. To celebrate, a group of fans in the upper level of the stadium chanted “grow the orchard” and “analytics.”
If – like me – you were wondering about the origin of the orchard chant, it appears to have come from an interview Philadelphia General Manager Sam Hinkie did with Zach Lowe in December. Via ESPN:
"“We’ve been on a path to build something special. We’re planting seeds to have an orchard. Some would have us go out and buy apples. But we want to build the whole orchard.”"
Trust the process indeed.