Matt Harvey Peeved at Media Over Health Coverage


Matt Harvey is boycotting the media again. This time the Mets star is fed up with the coverage of his bathroom habits after news came out that he had passed blood clots in his bladder. This of course set off a firestorm of jokes both on and off line. Heck, the New York Post nearly forgot to put out a paper yesterday because they were so distracted making bathroom puns for potential headlines.

Well, Harvey and the Mets didn’t appreciate any of that coverage. Via the New York Daily News:

"“I don’t blame him,” Terry Collins told the Daily News Wednesday. “Nobody in here blames him. We were scared Monday. You know how scary it is when they are talking about having to decide in 24 hours what kind of procedure they would have to do to remove the clot if it didn’t pass? They were talking about the fact he wouldn’t be able to fly to New York. “He was scared,” the manager said. “We were all scared for him. And to see everyone make a joke out of it … yeah, he’s mad. He’s not the only one who is.”"

Collins has a point. And Harvey probably should be upset about being the butt of a joke when he has a medical problem. Especially when the alternative is having his personal life over-dissected to the point of parody when he’s healthy. However, he’s apparently OK so maybe it’s time to admit that some of these jokes are funny and move on.

[NY Daily News]