Tim Tebow As a Presidential Candidate? We Could See It


Tim Tebow did not rule out a political career. Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Bianchi, known for loud opinions and unabashed Tebow love, thinks Tebow should run for president.

"We need this charismatic, diplomatic leader who can reach across the aisle — a man who throws left but will run right."

Tebow, who turns 29 in August, would not be eligible to run until 2024. Fatuous reality television star Donald Trump being the second most probable president has widened the net of potential candidates moving forward.

Tebow’s appeal is obvious. He has a positive, magnetic personality. He reads earnest and genuine. He’s handsome. He was “conditioned at a young age” to handle public life. For those who like “leaders,” he won college football games. It would be interesting to see how Ted Cruz’ message would play with less obnoxious packaging.

Where we can’t ride with Bianchi is posing Tebow as the ultimate crossover candidate.

"The man is unimpeachable. Even the most devout “pro choice” liberal would have a hard time criticizing Tebow for his very public “right to life” stance when the only reason he was even born is because his critically ill mother shunned a doctor’s recommendation to undergo an abortion."

Tebow’s broad appeal is being anti-political. He’s strong and open with his Christianity, without being shrill or chastising. Can he hold that up in politics?  The “most devout pro choice liberal” may appreciate his charity work on GMA. That doesn’t mean they will subscribe to his policy positions.

The swing voter, to the extent that still exists, is conservative on economic issues and moderate on social ones. Those are the voters Donald Trump will send away from the GOP in droves. Those aren’t folks Tebow would bring back into the fold. Tebow was popular as a player. He was also polarizing. It’s hard seeing him bridge that great divide.

Tim Tebow could run for high office. He could also continue being famous, likable, and using that image to promote his charity work.