Johnny Manziel Trashed a Rental Apartment in West Hollywood, Landlord Claims Cocaine Was Left There
By Jason Lisk

Johnny Manziel rented a West Hollywood home for two days last week, trashed it, and caused $32,000 worth of damage, according to Page Six. Things were so bad with the two all-night “ragers” that neighbors, including comedian Kathy Griffin, called the police. There’s your winning entry if you had “Kathy Griffin” and “Johnny Manziel” on your bingo card.
The property owner, Nicholas Goodwin, has made demand for the damages, and also told Page Six that he went to the house two hours after the checkout time, and found Manziel on the sofa passed out, with cocaine and mushrooms lying out on tables, and booze and broken glass everywhere.
This appears to have pre-dated Drew Rosenhaus’ announcement that he was dumping his new client if he did not get treatment, and may be just one of the incidents that led to such action.