Bomani Jones: Prince Was Freedom

Bomani Jones is on assignment in France this week, but was phoned into his own show, which was being guest-hosted by Jorge Sedano and Israel Gutierrez, to discuss Prince, of whom he has been a longtime aficionado.
“The thing about Prince that makes it so interesting is that the sound of it and just the aesthetics of the lyrics and everything else, it’s freedom,” Bomani said. “Like the totality of it is the freedom and the willingness to be free to feel what you feel, do you want to do, say what you want to say, ask for what you want [to ask] for. And if you say no, that’s cool, I’ll go ask someone else.”
After that, Bomani, who also wrote about Prince for Playboy, was asked to pick five songs that he could pick for a trip, and later named his favorite memories involving the artist.