Pet Store Owner Paid Prostitute With Exotic Primate, Girl Scout Money


A pet store owner in Eugene, Oregon reported two burglaries, of a laptop, girl scout cookie money, and an exotic primate. A police investigation revealed he had used the girl scout money and the primate to pay a prostitute.

"In early March, Eugene police received two reports of burglaries at the Zany Zoo Pet Store on Commerce Street in west Eugene. A laptop, girl scout cookie money and a Galago primate named Gooey were reported stolen from the store. But a Eugene Police Department investigation revealed the store’s owner, Nathan Allen McClain, paid an out-of-town prostitute with store funds including the girl scout money, and tipped the prostitute for her services with the animal, EPD said Friday. They recovered the animal from the prostitute at a local hotel back on March 17."

We can all see the clear moral of this story: if you’re going to use girl scout cookie money and an exotic pet to pay off a prostitute, don’t report it as a robbery to claim the insurance money.

It may be better that we don’t know what he did with the laptop.