Bryce Harper Ejected, Yell's F-bomb at Umpire After Nationals Win
By Michael Shamburger

Bryce Harper was thrown out of the Washington-Detroit game in the bottom of the ninth inning after yelling from the dugout at umpire Brian Knight. Harper didn’t like Knight’s third strike call against Danny Espinosa and let him know. National’s manager Dusty Baker tried to argue that Harper wasn’t the one who yelled, but it’s quite obvious he was.
Harper’s time in the locker room was short lived as he was quickly back on the field yelling “f*** you” at Knight after Clint Robinson hit a walk off home run.
After the game, Harper was asked about what he said to Knight and he made no apologies.
Harper is young and passionate and in a game that gets stagnant during the season, he’s more than welcome to continue entertaining me with his play and his antics. Some may not enjoy it, but I’d rather see Harper yelling at umpires than hear about unwritten rules.