Roman Reigns/Guy Fieri Face Swap Cannot Be Unseen


The last time we checked in on Roman Reigns here, he was an unofficial heel, and WWE was finally just rolling with it. That trend has continued in his ongoing feud with AJ Styles, who in all likelihood is not going to beat Reigns for the WWE title anytime in the foreseeable future, thereby annoying the dickens out of us (or me, at least) and making the champ’s heat that much greater.

Anyways, this face swap got put together with Roman’s new, oft-repeated catchphrase (except the last line is “I’m THE Guy”). I’ve gotten pretty tired of memes over the last few months, but every once in awhile one will come along that really justifies the genre, and this is that. Gonna be hard to look at Roman Reigns the same way going forward.